Sunday, June 22, 2008

Jess and Emmy

On Friday, Jess and Emmy came over to play and swim. We had so much fun and little Emmy made us laugh the entire time!! She is a riot! Mayce, of course, loved having her "living baby doll" around and she was on top of every little need that Emmy had:) She fetched her juice, tried to feed her, tried to change her diaper, pushed her in the swing and helped her in the pool. I'm pretty sure when our baby comes I am going to have to stand in line to care for him/her:) Thanks for blessing us, guys!
Jess made these for the kids! (I pray, daily, for the gift of "artsy"...I know it's coming...He's just producing patience, I can feel it!)
Emmy, I want to eat you!
I don't know, your guess is as good as mine! I do know he loves those stinkin' "gobbles".... even in 6 inches of water!
Mayce's goal is to create a new way to come down that slide every's hilarious!

Monday, June 9, 2008


A couple of weeks ago, we got the chance to drive down to Kress to visit the family. We had such a good time seeing everyone and wish that we had gotten the chance to take a picture of ALL of it:) We first stopped in Lubbock to visit Aunt Jamie, Uncle Dane, Dillon and Grammie. We had so much fun playing with Dillon and their 7 new puppies! Bryce and Dillon played for hours together without ever saying a word....only boys can do that:) Also, a huge highlight of the weekend was that Aunt Jamie got to come home from the hospital for a few hours to visit with us and it was so good to see her! Only a few more weeks to go before baby Drew arrives! We then headed to Kress to visit Monty's Grandparents and eat some TASTY food:) I can't put into words how much this weekend blessed us and we can't wait to do it again in August!

Nearing the end of a 6 hour car trip!

Playing with Pawpaw



Playing at Jamie's house

Daddy's highschool friend, Travis, brought his motorcycle:) He was officially the coolest person to the kids!

The kids loved Travis:)

"Duck, Duck....Goose!"

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Training Day

Stroller, kids, juice, cell phone...we were ready for the walk. No different than most days, except for the fact that it is exponentially hotter this week, the wind has blown about 30 miles an hour everyday and I am more pregnant than before:) So, I get about half way through the walk, and I am feeling the burn. I don't always walk with the kids and I don't always walk a mile! Most days I go for a nice stroll, in the evenings, by myself, and come back refreshed. But, I realized I would have no time that evening to walk, so I chose to go in the morning, pushing 70 plus pounds of kids...against the wind! I turn onto the final street, and I begin to chat with the Spirit. I was kindof griping about having to walk and was also pondering about what drives you to care for your body. Then, He softly said "It's me." "I am the still small voice that subtly urges you to care for my temple." Now, I am certainly not the picture of perfection when it comes to a completely healthy lifestyle, but I certainly would be quick to take the credit for an incredible act of will power when it comes to a healthy decision. He was so compassionate and patient as He reminded me that in ALL things He receives the glory and this is just one example of how He is the creator of ALL good decisions that we could ever make. He reminded me that the deep down desire to keep this temple in a healthy state was placed by Him and that He was proud of this very small effort. "What a kind thing to say! Thank you God." I thought. happened.
I look up and notice and older gentleman trimming his bushes. He was sweating a great deal because, by now, it was getting pretty hot. He appeared to be crippled on his left side, but was able to stand without assistance. As I approached from across the street, he suddenly turned and said "Ma'am" with the sweetest smile I had ever seen. I said "Yes sir?" Then he said the most amazing words as he put his beautiful hand over his heart
"God bless you, ma' have been trained well!"
What an incredibly odd thing to say to just anyone, but how incredibly accurate those words were to me! My God cared so much about our seemingly light conversation that He voiced it through this precious man. He wanted it made known that every good and perfect ANYTHING
(idea, gift, act) comes from Him! They were words directly from my Father to me......the Ultimate Trainer of this Temple!