Friday, August 17, 2007

July 4th

Ok....I know it's not exactly chronological order, but I just wanted to show some really cute pictures from July 4th. My precious friend, Krista, took them for us. We had so much fun with some dear friends from church...the Kings and the Ylinens. You guys bless us more than you'll ever know:) Krista, you are the epitome of a good friend...thank you for always having the heart of Christ. Be Blessed!

Aubrey Ylinen and Mayce eating ice cream:)
1st time with a sparkler:)
She was a little nervous abou the ol' sparkler, but she played it off well:)
Taylor King being a sparkler pro!
Aubrey, Mayce, Taylor and Bryce

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Weekend with Cousins:)

Well, as you can see, we had an eventful weekend with both of our cousins! First, Aunt Jamie, Uncle Dane and Dillon came to visit for a few days and we had a BLAST!! Little Dillon is so precious and Mayce and Bryce could not get enough of him... (neither could uncle Monty and aunt Stacy!) They had so much fun playing outside and running around the house:) Bryce and Dillon also enjoyed their bathtime together, but sorry Grammie, forgot to take pictures:) Anyway, thank you Morphis Family for blessing us this weekend!
As soon as one cousin left, another one showed up!! Nana, Pops and Garrett came in for one night on their way to Ohio to visit Uncle Shane. I was not sure if the kids were going to be able to handle so much excitement in one weekend....the word "hyper" does not even begin to describe it:) Although they only got to see Garrett for a few hours, they made the best of it by playing out side, then playing board games. Momma didn't quite get the camera out fast enough when the Hill's were here, so sorry, Bryce was sleeping during snapshot time:) Thanks Nana, Pops and Garrett for just completing our great weekend! What a blessing!
Sweet Kisses!
Bryce, Mayce and Dillon
I think they were PAST the point of tired:)
More sweet kisses!

Chutes and Ladders, anyone?
Teaching Mayce how to play
Lovin' on Nana
"my pops"

Friday, August 3, 2007

His two "Goodness's"

These are just a few fun shots of the kids in the past couple of days. I can't believe how big they are getting! Today, as I read in Proverbs 3, I was overwhelmed with the Goodness of God. I mean, I know as Christians that phrase is used a lot, but do we truly sit back and realize what His Goodness provides. Prov.3:19-20 says " The Lord by wisdom founded the earth; By understanding He established the heavens; By his knowledge the depths were broken up, and clouds drop down the dew."
And in the midst of all that Goodness and Majesty, He thought of Monty and I enough to create His Goodness --Mayce and Bryce.
How meticulously kind is our God, and how sweet are His motives. How profoundly thoughtful He is, and how beautifully creative are His works....words can't express how much HIS two "Goodness's" mean to me!
Be Blessed!

Their new sandcastle:)

He loves to lay in the water and pretend he can't hear me!

This is what happens when you tell a 3 year old to get dressed:)

This is what happens when a 2 year old watches a 3 year old get dressed:)
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Bryce - 0 Bathtub - 1

Well, we had a little "run in" with the bathtub, and I think it won! Bryce was sitting on the potty talking to Mayce while she took a bath, when he lost his balance and fell face first into the side of the bathtub. These pictures were taken two days after it happened, so he was looking a lot better than before:) This brings me to my next is very hard as a mother to go in public with a 2 year old who has a black eye! I mean, not to mention the fact that I felt like the worst mother ever, but you then have this massive urge to just blurt out to everyone who looks at you for more than 5 seconds, "he fell off the toilet and hit the bathtub with his face....I promise!" Well, maybe I'm the only one:) Be Blessed!

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