Saturday, September 29, 2007

"Ride a little pony, go to town..."

It could not have been a more perfect day to go to the zoo:) The kids were beyond excited about going to see the animals, so when we topped off the morning by picking up Grammie, I thought they were going to implode!! Thank you, Grammie, for making our zoo trip so much more fun and special! You are a true joy to be around! We had the best time! As you can see, they were giving pony rides..well, let me rephrase that....they were letting you pay to receive pony rides:) And this was not just any ordinary was like the giant of all ponies! (I'm pretty sure he was the envy of all his pony friends:) I was so proud of my little guys, they just hopped right on like they had done it a hundred times, and rode their little hearts out:) We mostly stayed in the kids section because there was so much for them to do. Then, we had a fun little picnic, saw a few big animals and headed home. I love that the kids are at that age where they can really enjoy things like this and they are so fun to watch! What an awesome God we serve that thought of the concept of children and created the very bond that we so treasure. Be blessed!

Waiting, patiently (kindof), for our pony ride
She looked like such a natural:)

I'm pretty sure Bryce was wishing there wasn't a fence to hold him back:)
Grammie and Mayce petting the rabbits
Bryce wanted to join in on the fun:)
Felt the need for one more ride:)
This is where they were trying to talk us into letting them jump the fence!

The car ride home. They were so tired:)

Thursday, September 27, 2007


My sweet friend Lauren thought that my few blog readers might like to know a little bit about my sweet here you go:)

The Game of Tag about your MAN:
1. Who is your man? Monty
2. How long have you been together? 7 years married

3. How long dated? 2 years

4. How old is your man? 28

5. Who eats more? Monty

6. Who said "I love you" first? I'm pretty sure Monty

7. Who is taller? Monty, by 1/4 inch:)

8. Who sings better? I guess I do, but Monty does some pretty good impressions:)

9. Who is smarter? Book smart is about equal; common sense smart he's got me beat!

10. Whose temper is worse? Sadly, me

11. Who does the laundry? me...but he does the ironing:)

12. Who takes out the garbage? Monty

13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? Monty, if your looking from the end of the bed.

14. Who pays the bills? I do.

15. Who is better with the computer? Certainly NOT me

16. Who mows the lawn? Monty....I am really good at telling him WHEN it should be mowed, though:):)

17. Who cooks dinner?'s a very scary thought of Monty cooking! In his defense, he has really picked up grilling and he's great at it:)

18. Who drives when you are together? Monty...I think I make him nervous. There's just something about those boys who started driving at the age of 8...they have to be in control!

19. Who pays when you go out? I guess I do because I take care of our personal account

20. Who is most stubborn? Me

21. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Oh...Monty, again! (Mr. Perfect!)
I sometimes have to take a little time to think (sulk) before I do:)

22. Whose parents do you see the most? Now that Monty's parents moved to big D (YIPEE!), it's pretty even:)

23. Who kissed who first? Monty kissed me first:) He asked me before he did to make sure it would be okay with me....I loved that:)

24. Who asked who out? He did.

25. Who proposed? Monty:) Gotta love those little country churches with a whole lotta' Holy Spirit!

26. Who is more sensitive? Definitely me. I have two words for Monty: solution oriented.

27. Who has more friends? Probably equal since we hang out with other couples

28. Who has more siblings? Equal

29. Who wears the pants in the family? Monty is the epitome of a Godly leader. He wears the pants, and wears them well, if I might add:)

Ok, so I guess I tag: Jess, Heather and Annie


My wonderful friend, Jennifer, came from Midland last week and brought her sweet girls over to visit, and we had a BLAST! Mayce absolutely loves being around her friend Jessilyn! She pretends Jessilyn is here almost everyday, so it was really nice to actually have her here in person:) Jenn, thanks for letting me watch the girls....they are so precious! We miss you guys!

Mayce and JessilynDress up time!

They were having a really good time:)
Lastly, being the "good" babysitter that I am, I leave Little Reesy alone for 5 seconds, and she was almost on the counter! I learned my lesson:)

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Weekend of 1st

We took the kids to Lubbock and Kress this past weekend and had a BLAST!! It was so good to be with family and just relax:) The weekend was filled with many "1st": 1st time for Mayce to be in charge of a "high powered" water hose (BIG MISTAKE); 1st time the kids figured out that Monty's Grandparents only have an alley separating their houses....yes, we had to walk back and forth several times; 1st time for Bryce to wear a real cowboy hat; and finally, the all time 1st...1st time aunt Jamie and mommy successfully burnt an ENTIRE loaf of bread!:) (you'll have to ask me for the details on that you Jamie!) Thank you guys for creating such a wonderful weekend and blessing us with precious memories and divine meals!! We love you all so much and can't wait for Christmas!!

Nanny and PawPaw

Infamous "Tea Party" with Meme

Our little Quarterback

The Cowboy and his Little Lady

Grandaddy feeding Bryce his favorite pie:)

Bryce talking PawPaw's ear off:)
Resting after playing in the sprinkler
Cousin Katherine and Cousin Weston
Snuggling with Nanny
Going for a walk with their cousin Dillon
Daddy got the priviledge of pulling the wagon:)
Yes, this is her "I'm about to squirt all of you because I don't care what the consequences will be too much fun to pass up" face!
And then we got drenched!
Bryce trying to get awake after his nap