At bedtime, the other night, Mayce and I were laying in her bed visiting. Mayce and I have many deep conversations throughout the day, because she is definitely a deep thinker. She rarely takes information at face value, but tries to dissect it and figure out every detail. We have recently had many discussions about how we hear God, and I have walked away from most of them thinking, "Ok Lord, please make that one clear, because I know I have thoroughly confused her!" HA! Well, this particular night, we were contemplating hearing God in our heart, but not always hearing a "voice." I was explaining that we often hear him in our heart and we, then, know what we should or should not do. After a very long moment of silence, she sat up and proceeded to fling her body on my face, with her chest smashing my nose. Completely muffled, I said, "Honey, what exactly are you doing?" She, then, replied with a very disappointed tone
"Mama, I just can't hear Him, so could you please listen to my heart and tell me what He says!"
I think we've just moved into a whole new topic of discussion.....intercessory prayer:)